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Papers may be presented as an oral contribution or a poster. No participant may submit more than one first authored paper. The first author is assumed to present the paper unless otherwise stated. No participant may present more than once during the conference. No individual should appear in the programme more than three times.

Proposals, which must be submitted by 1st January 2006, should include the following:

a) Name, address (including e-mail address) and institutional affiliation.
b) Type of presentation (oral or poster)
c) Abstract of 400 words maximum
d) Two-page synopsis of 1000 words maximum including: biological topic, theoretical background or rationale, key objectives, research design and methodology, findings.

Proposals should be sent to the Secretary of the Academic Committee of ERIDOB 2004, Dr Marcus Hammann, as an e-mail attachment: Proposals received after 1st January 2006 will not be considered.

Proposals will be reviewed under the following criteria:

The standards, in terms of quality, will be the same for oral and poster presentations. The following criteria will be applied:
For oral presentations

For poster presentations

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