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Final Call for Papers

Sixth Confernece of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology

@ the Institute of Education, University of London, UK
11-15 September 2006

The Academic Committee* invites researchers in Biology Didactics to take part in the Sixth Conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology (ERIDOB). The Conference will be held in London (UK) from the 11th to the 15th September 2006. Its theme is "Biology in Context: Learning and teaching for the 21st century".

The aim of the conference is to give researchers in Biology Didactics the opportunity to present and discuss their research work and results. The following are eligible to attend ERIDOB 2006:

Contributions should fit into one of the following strands:

  1. Student conceptions and conceptual change
  2. Student interest and motivation
  3. Student values, attitudes and decision-making
  4. Student reasoning, scientific thinking and argumentation
  5. Teaching: teaching strategies, teaching environments and educational technology
  6. Environmental education and Biology education
  7. Health education and Biology education
  8. Health education and Biology education
  9. Practical work and field work in Biology education
  10. Research methods and theoretical issues concerning research in Biology education.

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