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All afternoon sessions are parallel-strand


11 Sept 06


14.30 Onwards - Registration Level 9

18.30 Welcome Reception and Buffet - Jeffery Hall

12 Sept 06

9:00 - Opening remarks - Michael Reiss - Jeffery Hall

9:05 - 9.25 Keynote Address - Fotis Kafatos, Imperial College London
Teaching and research in Biology in an era of unification

9:30 - 11:00 - Paper Session I Jeffery Hall
Strand 4 Student reasoning, scientific thinking and argumentation

John K Gilbert, Bev France
A model for communication about biotechnology

Vaille Dawson
Argumentation about biotechnology with Western Australian high school students

Marida Ergazaki & Vassiliki Zogza
Exploring options for increasing the equilibrium size of a fish population in a lake: Peers’ discursive activity towards the concept of carrying capacity within a computer-supported learning environment

11:00 -11:30 Coffee Break

11:30 -13: 00 Paper Session II Jeffery Hall
Strand 1 Student Conceptions and Conceptual Change

Kattmann, Ulrich
Learning Biology by means of anthropomorphic conceptions?

Zabel, Jörg
Stories about evolution: The role of narrative in Understanding

Anita Wallin
One year after teaching – How consistent are students in using the scientific theory of biological evolution by natural selection?

14:00 - 15:00 Poster Session Ia (10) Room 901
Strand 4 Student reasoning, scientific thinking and argumentation

Teixeira, Francimar Martins
Argumentation in Science Class for Brazilian Children: A Case Study

Grady Venville and Jenny Donovan
How Students from Year 2 to Year 12 Use a Model for Abstract Concepts in Genetics

Martin Braund, Fred Lubben, Zena Scholtz, Melanie Sadeck & Merle Hodges
Developing argumentation in grade 10 biology lessons in South Africa: implications for teachers’ professional development

Riemeier, Tanja
Students’ argumentation and conceptual development on blood circulation

Du Plessis, L and Anderson, T R
Development of a module of the process of interpretation of arrow Symbolism in biology diagrams

Meisert, Anke
Working with models and its effects on students’ conception on models’ epistemology

Konrad J Schönborn, & Trevor R Anderson
Measuring the factors influencing students’ interpretation of external representations in biochemistry: a qualitative approach

Mariana Guelero do Valle & Marcelo Tadeu Motokane
Argumentative structure in students’ written production

Sabine Mogge, Helmut Vogt, Bernd Wollring
Scientific Thinking – Modelling Processes of Primary Level Students Regarding Special Natural Science Problems

Alame Adrianna Gomez Galindo and Neus Sanmarti Puig
Process of transformation of everyday langauge into scientific language in primary school children

14:00 - 15:00 Poster Session Ib (10) Room 903
Strand 1 Student Conceptions and Conceptual Change

Show-Yu Lin, Chih-Ming Tu, & Yeong-Jing Cheng
Genetic concept learning of 7th grade students assessed by Concept Diagnostic Inventory-Biology

Gericke, Niklas
Two aspects of learning difficulties in genetics,
Berg, Helene Breiteig
Experience of relevant knowledge and understanding in genetics when facing genetics related socio-scientific issues

Jorge Gross & Harald Gropengiesser
Uniqueness and Variation: The Unexpected Outcomes of Free-choice Learning

Denise Azevedo & Edson Pereira da Silva
Pupils talk movies: analysis of discourses about evolution

Leonardo Gonzalez Galli & Elsa Meinardi
Obstacles in the learning of natural selection

Athanasiou Kyriacos, Papadopoulou Penelope & Sariggelis Michalis
Views on Evolution and natural selection expressed by high school and university students

Carolyn Boulter, Sue Dale Tunnicliffe, Professor Michael Reiss
Ponds as Natural Habitats: How children express their understandings and the relevance for teaching biology

Daniela Marchetti, Anna Perazzone, Laura Colucci-Gray, Giuseppe Barbiero, Ilenia Grandi, Elena Camino
The conceptual tool „boundary“ and its application to the different levels of biological hierarchical systems

Lucia Prinou, Lia Halkia, Constantine Skordoulis
How Primary School Teachers understand Adaptations and relevant Biological Concepts

Please remove posters by 16.00 today.

15:00 - 15:30 Afternoon Tea

15:30 - 17:00 Paper Session IIIa Room 901
Strand 1 Student Conceptions and Conceptual Change

Kostas Kampourakis, Vasso Zogza
Students’ preconceptions about evolution: a study of explanatory coherence

Patrícia Jelemenská, Ulrich Kattmann 
Understanding the units of nature: From reification to reflection. A contribution to Educational Reconstruction in the field of ecology

Strand 3 Student Values, attitudes and decision-making
Birgit Neuhaus, Angela Sandmann & Wen-Hua Chang
Students’ attitude towards science and the nature of science – A comparison between Taiwanese and German students

15:30 - 17:00 Paper Session IIIb Room 903
Strand 7 Health Education and Biology Education

Zélia Anastacio, Graça S Carvalho and Pierre Clement
Portuguese Primary School Teachers’ Conceptions and Obstacles to Teach Sex Education

Papadopoulou Penelope, Kartsoglou Anna and Professor Athanasiou Kyriacos
Biology and health education: Is reproductive biology a real chance for sex education?

Gillian Kidman
Biotechnology Education: Topics of interest to students an teachers

17:00 - 18:00 Poster Session IIa Room 901
Strand 1 Student Conceptions and Conceptual Change

Abolaji Mayowa Akinyele and Oyedele Job Segun
The Conservation Club Effect’: An impact Assessment of biodiversity conservation awareness in some selected Nigerian Secondary Schools

Bandiera, Milena
Science education versus science culture: some worrying indications from questionnaires for admission to university Biology courses of studies

Bartoszeck, Amauri Betini
The development of the concept of skeletons in Brazilian students

Detlef Urhahne, Stefanie Graf, & Monika Aufleger
Changes of Epistemological Beliefs after a Teaching Unit with Student Experiments on Plant Germination and Growth

Ulrike Rutke & Ute Harms
Students’ conceptions about the origin and development of their own life – a study in the first year of the elementary school

Madeleine Bengtsson, Mats Hagman & Lena Skärby
What about knowledge of names of animal and plant species among young students after 12 years in school? – an internet based study

Heike Brauer & Anke Meisert
Cumulative learning by comparing concept-analogue phenomena

Byrne, Jenny
What are micro-organisms and what do they do? A study of primary school aged pupils’ ideas about micro-organisms

Cypionka, Regina
Children’s ideas about plants as living beings and their ontogenetic and phylogenetic development

17:00 - 18:00 Poster Session IIb Room 903
Strand 5: Teaching: teaching strategies, teaching environments and educational technology

Helmut Prechtl & Horst Bayrhuber
Biologie im Kontext (bik) – BMBF program to promote students’ competencies in context-based biology education and to support teachers’ professional development

Lücken, Markus
Overview of the evaluation concept of the German project „Biologie im Kontext“ and preliminary results

Elster, Doris
Teachers’ Voices in Learning Communities – First Results of the Qualitative Evaluation within the Project Biology in Context

Philipp Schmiemann, Martin Linsner, Birgit Neuhaus & Angela Sandmann
Development of a competency model to differentiate between various levels of biological knowledge

Andrea MÖLLER, Christiane R. GRUBE & Jürgen MAYER
Inquiry Competence in German Biology Education: First Results of the National Research Project “biology in context“ (bik)

Claudia Nerdel, Gesa Schoormans & Helmut Prechtl
Theoretical conceptions and empirical validation of a model of competency structure for subject related communication in biology education

Sabina Eggert & Susanne Bögeholz
Fostering pupils’ decision making competence in the context of sustainable development

Mittelsten Scheid, Nicola
Measuring students’ competence of moral judgement with regard to bioethical issues

Lewis, Jenny
Science Education and Biology Education: starting to define the difference through a consideration of the concept of ‘learning demand’

Ola Magntorn & Gustav Helldén
From Shrimp to River understanding

19:30 Boat Trip

13 Sept 06

9:00 - 11:00 Paper Session IV Jeffery Hall
Strand 5: Teaching: teaching strategies, teaching environments and educational technology

Rene H V Westra
The development of the concept écosystem’ according to the concept-activity-context approach for biology education

Clas Olander
Design and validation of a teaching sequence for compulsory school about biological evolution – pupils’ experiences and development of knowledge

Rosemary Hipkins
Formative assessment of primary school children’s systems thinking

Corina Gonazlez Weil and Ute Harms
The analysis of learning processes in cell biology by collaborative concept maps


11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break

11:30 - 13: 00 Paper Session V Jeffery Hall
Strand 5: Teaching: teaching strategies, teaching environments and educational technology

David Slingsby & Michael J. Reiss
Assessing a new advanced level biology course for 16-19 year-olds

Julia Wadouh, Birgit Neuhaus & Angela Sandmann
Cumulative Learning and Inner Subject Linkage in Biology Education

Gustav Hellden, Constantine Aivazidis & Maria Lazaridou
The advantage of computer assisted instruction in environmental education at secondary level


14:00 - 15:00 Paper Session VIa Room 901
Strand 5: Teaching: teaching strategies, teaching environments and educational technology

Paul Jatzwauk & Angela Sandmann
Structures of Lessons and Use of Tasks in Grammar School Biology Education

Angela Krombaß
Cognitive and motivational effects of a computer-based information system on the topic of biodiversity supplementing the exhibits of a natural history museum

14:00 - 15:00 Paper Session VIb Room 903
Strand 5: Teaching: teaching strategies, teaching environments and educational technology

Matthias Wilde, Detlef Urhahne
Motivational and cognitive consequences of learning in a natural history museum with differently structured tasks

Michael Germ & Ute Harms
How do biology tests look like in German grammar schools? A descriptive study on task formats and teachers’ intentions for raising different cognitive dimensions

15:00 Bookable Visits

Please remove posters by 16.00 today.

Free Evening

14 Sept 06

9:00 - 11:00 Paper Session VII Jeffery Hall
Strand 3 Student Values, attitudes and decision-making

Marcus Grace
Developing high quality decision-making discussions about biological conservation in a normal classroom setting

Marta Federico-Agraso & María Pilar Jiménez-Aleixandre
Therapeutic cloning? Discourse genres, ethical issues and students’ perceptions

Margareta Ekborg
Opinion building in a social-scientific issue: the case of genetically modified plants

Strand 1 Student Conceptions and Conceptual Change

Maike Ehmer & Marcus Hammann
Student conceptions about the method of scientific experimentation

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break

11:30 - 13: 00 Paper Session VIII Jeffery Hall
Strand 2: Student Interest and Motivation

Bev France, Catherine Buntting
Choosing biotechnology: A narrative exploration of significant educational episodes influencing career choices in biotechnology

Ayelet Baram-Tsabari,Anat Yarden
Interest in biology: A developmental shift characterized using self-generated questions

Anja Schmitz, Claudia Nerdel
A Study of the Development of Interest and Knowledge among Students using the Project NaT-Working Meeresforschung (Oceanography) as Example

14:00 - 15:30 Poster Session IVa Room 901
Strand 5: Teaching: teaching strategies, teaching environments and educational technology

Rifat Efe & Hulya Aslan Efe
Using student group leaders in co-operative learning methods in biology classrooms

Saïda AROUA, Maryline Coquide, Salem Abbes
A didactic strategy for teaching biological evolution in Tunisia: epistemological reflections and argumentations

Magali Fuchs Gallezot, Maryline Coquide
Genetics, genomics and post-genomics: educational challenges and how the French curriculum related to life sciences teaching deals with these fields?

Miriam Ossevoort, Martin Goedhart
Active collaborative knowledge construction by first-year biology students using an electronic discussion board

Angelika Kremer, Mark Walker, Kirsten Schlüter
Can prospective teachers’ views of science and science teaching be altered? A study looking at the effects of a training course in inquiry-based science

Cohen, Rahel
Teaching the living cell topic as a longitudinal axis in junior-high schools: examining experienced teachers’ PCK

Downs, Colleen T
Moving away from a lecture-mode to a tutorial-skills based mode: experiences of a 1st year Biology course on two campuses at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Donovan, Jenny and Vaille Dawson
Factors influencing the use of information communication technology (ICT) by early career science teachers

Michael Ewig & Karen Drews
Time spent of reproducing, restructuring and transferring knowledge – a comparison of students instructed bilingually and in German only

Van Dijk, Esther M
Educational Reconstruction of Evolution for Teacher Education

Agustín Adúriz-Bravo, Leonardo González Galli, Lorena Inzillo, Valeria Litterio, Elsa Meinardi, Rosana Valli, Andrea Revel Chion, María Inés Rodríguez Vida & Javier Simón
Learning about the nature of biology in secondary classes: Rationale and proposals

Sandie Bernard, Graça S Carvalho & Pierre Clement
The French teaching of human reproduction and sexuality in secondary schools since 1950

Carrió M, Albaina S, Andion, O Larramona, P Calafell, F Baños & J-E Perez.
Assessment of the biology learning by PBL method in undergraduate students: comparison study between traditional method and PBL

14:00 - 15:30 Poster Session IVa Room 903
Strand 5: Teaching: teaching strategies, teaching environments and educational technology

Constantine Aivazidis, Harvey Mellar & Ralph Levinson
An investigation into the use of identification keys in the training of biology students

Dorita Demetriou, Konstantinos Korfiatis, Michael Michael & Constantinos Constantinou
Evaluation of an e-curriculum for supporting field studies, an enhancing classification skills and conceptual understanding in elementary education’s ecology

Hagit Yarden & Anat Yarden
Supporting learning biotechnological methods using interactive and task oriented animations

Korfiatis Konstantinos & Hovardas Tasos
Provoking conceptual change in an ecology university course, using interactive computer models

Ángel D López y Mota & Diana Patricia Rodríguez Pineda
Relationships between science and learning teachers’ conceptions with teaching: an exploratory study of biology in secondary schools

Anna Marba Tallada & Conxita Marquez Bargallo
Learning to read biology (and reading to learn biology

Sonja M Mork, Øystein Sørborg and Wenche Erlien.
Pedagogical use of ICT – the example of gene technology

Quílez, Marie José Gil
Ecology: what ecology?

Retzlaff-Fürst, Carolin
The influence of methods of scientific inquiry on the development of subjective value complexes among pupils of 10th grade – an intervention study

Schaal S, Bogner F X, Girwidz R. & Rubitzko T
Media Assisted Learning in Science Education: An interdisciplinary approach to hibernation

Lida Schoen, Declan Kennedy
Science across the world in teacher training
Sabine Waßenhoven & Dirk Krüger
Biology teachers’ metaphors of learning and teaching

Alexandre de Sá Friere, Márcia Cristina Fernandes Xavier e Milton Ozório Moraes
A game in Genetics as a meaningful instrument for New Biology teaching

Colleen Aldous & Annemarie Hattingh
The effect of group work on fourth year genetic students´ problem-solving ability

Dempster, Edith
Subject matter knowledge for Biology student-teachers: how much and who should teach it?

Please remove posters by 16.00 today.

15:30 - 16:00 Afternoon Tea

16:00 - 17:00 Paper Session IXa Room 901
Strand 3 Student Values, attitudes and decision-making

Christiana Th. Nicolaou, Kostantinos Korfiatis, Maria Evagorou, and Constantinos P Constantinou
The development of decision-making skills and environmental concern using interactive models

Jérémy Castera, Catherine Bruguiere, Pierre Clement Lirdhist
The genetic diseases in the French biology school textbooks (for 15-18 years old students): what kinds of genetic determinism?

16:00 - 17:00 Paper Session IXb Room 903
Strand 1 Student Conceptions and Conceptual Change

Sue Dale Tunnicliffe & Michael J Reiss
Drawing breath: the use of drawings and interviews in a six-year longitudinal study of 5-11 year-olds’ understandings of what is inside themselves

Eva West
Pupils’ (Age 10-12) Conceptions of hearing before teaching

16:00 - 17:00 Workshop on CmapTools,  Room 915 

Mauri Ahlberg
CmapTools and NatureGate® as practical tools to monitor and promote biological learning and biology education and research on them

17:00 - 18:00 Poster Session IVa Room 901
Strand 6/7 Environmental Education/ Health Education, and Biology Education

Oskarsdottir, Gunnhildur
The development of children’s ideas about the body in the primary school classroom

Tuncer, Gaye
Education for Sustainability“: a combining actor

Tekkaya, Ceren
An Attempt for improving Environmental Education in Elementary teacher

Susanne Menzel (Will not be attending) & Susanne Bögeholz
Differences in the Perception of Biodiversity Loss and Stated Behaviour to Protect Biodiversity – A Survey with 11th-Grade-Students in Chile and Germany

Hauke Hellwig & Annette Upmeier zu Belzen
Teachers’ concepts in biology classes between environmental education and education for sustainable development

Kuracina, Daniel
Cluster analysis of primary schools pupils’ attitude to environmental reality

Rosa Branca Tracana, Maria Eduarda Ferreira & Graça S Carvalho
Environmental Education in Portuguese national programmes and textbooks: Analysis of the sub-topics Ecosystems and cycles Pollution Use of resources and Biodiversity

Constancio Aguirre Pérez; Antonio Simón Albaladejo; Fernando Salcedo Aguilar; Alfonso Salvador Moya; Santioago Prieto Villar; Matilde Molina Ruiz; Ana Mª Vázquez Moliní.
Tobacco prevention at University: An experience with Teacher Training Students

Julia Schwanewedel & Corinna Hößle
Conceptions of health and disease in the context of genetics and genetic technologies

Lundström, Mats
Beliefs in science or pseudoscience in health issues

Cornelia Sander & Dirk Krüger
Rheumatic Patients’ Conceptions of their Disease – Contribution to the Improvement of Physician / Patient Communication

17:00 - 18:00 Poster Session IVb Room 903
Strand 2/3: Student Interest and motivation / Student values, attitudes and decision-making

De Villiers, Rian
Animal dissection in biology education: attitudes, alternatives and implications

Wanderley Carvalho; Maria Lúcia de Rezende
The aesthetic aspect of an outdoor scientific exhibition: a case study

Hubertus Doetkotte & Ute Harms
Development and evaluation of a module for enhancing teacher students moral judgment competence

Reitschert, Katja
Competence of moral judgement in Biology lessons. How do students judge problems of biomedical sciences

Tanja Klop, Sabine E. Severiens and Marie-Christine P J Knippels
Exploration of attitudes towards modern biotechnology of Dutch secondary school students

Katarzyna Potyrala & Alicja Walosik
Strategies of forming students’ attitudes to new technologies during biology lessons

Alicja Walosik & Katarzyna Potyrala 
Educational projects in forming students’ knowlegde and attitudes

Claudia Wulff & Armin Lude
The influence of Religious values on attitudes towards animals

Scheersoi, Annette
Learning motivation in a bilingual module on biodiversity

 Conference Dinner

15 Sept 06

9:00 - 11:00 Paper Session X Jeffery Hall
Strand 8 Social, cultural and gender issues in Biology education

Laurence Simonneaux, Jean Simonneaux
Teachers’ roles in teaching about controversial socio-scientific issues

Gregoire Molinatti
Students meeting neuroscientists about socio scientific issues
Ralph Levinson
A model for teaching controversial issues associated with biomedicine and biotechnology

Rachel Levy Santos, Sandra Escovedo Selles and Marcia Serra Ferreria
Examining the ambiguities of the human race concept in Biology textbooks: tensions between knowledge and values expressed in the school knowledge

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break

11:30 - 13: 00 Paper Session XI Jeffery Hall
Strand 9 Practical Work and Field Work in Biology Education

Ingrid Glowinski & Horst Bayrhuber
Student labs as out-of-school settings promoting interest – efficacy and determining factors

Roger Lock
Fieldwork in biology for 11-16 year old students: curriculum practices, rationales and actions that encourage and support biology fieldwork activity

Claudia Maiß, Susanne Bögeholz
Scientific learning in the out of school laboratory XLAB in Göttingen, Germany – Evaluation of the Science Camp

14:00 – 15:30 Paper Session XIIa Room 901
Strand 5: Teaching: teaching strategies, teaching environments and educational technology

Cornelia Sommer & Markus Lücken
Elementary students’ system competency – description and promotion

Simone Lachmayer & Boy Kramer
Supporting learning of a complex topic in a multimedia learning environment with different note-taking formats

William John Fraser, Mbulaheni Obert Maguvhe
The teaching of life science in special schools to blind and visually impaired learners and its implications to inclusive education in outcomes-based learning environments

14:00 – 15:30 Paper Session XII Room 903
Strand 9 Practical Work and Field Work in Biology Education

Reuven Babai, Rachel Sekal & Ruth Stavy
Interference of the primary intuitive model of living things in high school biology

Thi Thanh Hoi Phan
Testing levels of competencies in experimentation

Franz-Josef Scharfenberg, Franz Bogner & Siegfried Klautke
Learning in a educational lab with focus on gene technology: Results of teaching with authentic experiments

15:30 - 16:00 Afternoon Tea

16:00 - 17:00 Business Meeting

17:00 End of Conference



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